visual poems for poses
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I studied painting, sculpture, and drawing at Rhode Island School of Design and photography/film + philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology. I am addicted to art as much as I am dependent upon Yoga. Being able to wed two of my greatest loves together has been a next-level natural high. I am grateful to be able to share what I call Visual Poems for each pose.
I am not able to perform peak perfection of each pose like most of the superstars on social media - but I still wanted to be able to share them.
I set out to help you get closer to achieving proper form by sharing with you the effective deepening and transitional cues I have learned from my incredible Yoga instructors while simultaneously giving your eyes a little something fun to digest alongside all of the utilitarian matter delivered with each asana.
I desire to create Visual Poems for poses because Yoga brings about a psychedelic experience for me. Even though my entire body is focused on a precise and material drishti during each pose, my third eye is traveling into immaterial surreal scapes that only truly emerge to the forefront of my mind when I’ve given my body to the ground in savasana after practice.
Right before I drop into deep savasana, I am devoured by my subconscious; this is when the visions come. I can choose to stay there and hover in hallucination, but that’s not the point of corpse pose, so I choose to squash it all and let my brain go dead.
The way that most yogis describe seeing the Himalayas or images of their gurus come to them during meditation - visions of a body performing poses but from an out-of-body perspective channel from the ether to my mind’s eye right before I go to sleep at night.
I thrive on 2 to 3 hours of Yoga daily, so there are a lot of suppressed visuals after two to three rounds of savasana. In the moments before I fall asleep into my final death of the day - I finally allow myself to milk moments inside of that psychedelic state I had edged my mind up to, but this time with permission to fly.
I soar through those mesmerizing images until I lose total consciousness, and whatever I can remember when I wake up is what I share with you.

Tree Pose Vrksasana वृक्षासन
Tips & Cues:
✶ Roll your shoulders back and down.…

Full Splits Hanumanasana हनुमानासन
Tips & Cues:
✶ Be born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome if you want this pose to come without effort…

Headstand Sirsasana शीर्षासन
Tips & Cues:
✶ Basketweave your hands behind your head…